Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki
Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki

Balor's Magical Eye is one of Merlin's magic items, which is named after the One-Eyed God, Balor, that brought forth calamity and could see through his enemies.


Merlin created the Magical Eye with resemblance to Balor's ability to see through his enemies and gave it to Hawk as a gift to wear as his new tag. Balor's Magical Eye is used by Hawk to give an accurate measurement of a person's overall "power level". This measurement is further divided among the person's magical power, strength, and spirit.

Power Levels

A Power Level「闘級, Tōkyū」 is a person's pure fighting prowess presented as a numerical value. A person's total power level is the sum of three different values:

  • Magic「魔力, Maryoku」: a measure of magical power.
  • Strength「武力, Buryoku」: a measure of physical ability.
  • Spirit「気力, Kiryoku」: a measure of composure, determination, and perseverance.

It is to be noted however that power levels are nothing more than rough estimates of one's overall capabilities and, at best, should be used for nothing more than reference. Their values can change, mainly based on the situation at hand, compatibility between powers as well as each individual's physical and mental condition and overall skill.

Though the standard differs from kingdom to kingdom in Britannia, a power level of greater than 300 is required to become a Holy Knight of Liones.

Recorded Values

Below is a list of recorded values, given in the order of Magic-Strength-Spirit (Total Power Level),of which most presented distributions are only revealed in the official fanbooks.

Name Magic Strength Spirit Total
Dogedo 290 470 100 860[1]
Hawk Normal 0 25 5 30[2]
Tyrant Dragon Ver. 80 520 30 630[3]
Sand Crawler Ver. 80 100 10 190[4]
Red Demon Ver. 450 480 100 1,030[5]
Meliodas Assault Mode 142,000[6]
Revived 60,000
Unsealed (without demon mark) 2,700 27,700 2,100 32,500[7]
Unsealed (with demon mark) 3,000 50,000 3,000 56,000[8]
Sealed (without demon mark) 400 960 2,010 3,370[9]
Sealed (with demon mark) 4,400
Sealed (with demon mark, berserk) 10,300
Deathpierce 730 540 420 1,690[10]
Waillo 300 870 540 1,710[11]
Gowther Current 35,400[12]
Previous 1,300 500 1,300 3,100[13]
Diane Current 2,000 5,200 1,600 8,800[14][15]
Current (giant size after Drole's Dance) 50,000[16] 50,000+
Current (human size after Drole's Dance) 15,100[17]
Previous 900 1,870 480 3,250[18]
Merlin 3,540 70 1,100 4,710[19]
Howzer Current 1,090 700 560 2,350[20]
Previous 1,910[21]
Griamore Child form 390 10 10 410
Current 1,520[22]
Gilthunder Current 1,130 670 530 2,330[23]
Previous 1,970[24]
Bartra Liones 120 230 180 530[25]
Albion 5,500[26]
Galand Normal 1,000 24,000 2,000 27,000[27]
With Critical Over 40,000[28]
Izraf 2,080 2,010 800 4,890[29]
King Current 38,800 0 2,800 41,600[30]
Previous 3,370 0 820 4,190[31]
Ban 1,380 930 910 3,220[32]
Elizabeth 1,700 5 220 1,925[33]
Jericho 40 130 100 280[34]
Escanor Weakest (so far) 5 5 5 15[35]
Strongest (so far) 114,000+[36]
Ruin 420[37]
Friesia 440[38]
Zeldris 10,000 47,200 3,800 61,000[39]
Mael Previous (with Four Commandments) 200,000+[40]
Before Chapter 278 (As Estarossa, with Two Commandments) 88,000
Previous (As Estarossa) 3,000 53,000 4,000 60,000[41]
Melascula 31,500 500 2,000 34,000[42]
Drole 14,000 36,500 3,500 54,000[43]
Gloxinia 47,000 0 3,000 50,000[44]
Monspeet 34,000 16,000 3,000 53,000[45]
Derieri 1,500 48,000 2,500 52,000[46]
Grayroad 26,500 10,000 2,500 39,000[47]
Fraudrin 13,000 15,000 3,000 31,000[48]
Zaratras 1,180 930 950 3,060[49]
Guila 700 400 250 1,350[50]
Hendrickson Human 1,280 800 570 2,650[51]
Gray Demon Form 5,800
Dreyfus 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000[52]
Margaret 0 10 100 110[53]
Veronica 0 35 45 80[54]
Slader 980 930 880 2,790[55]
Vivian 2,200 40 340 2,580[56]
Denzel 1,320 880 670 2,870[57]
Arden 600 420 300 1,320[58]
Deldry 720 30 180 930[59]
Elaine Before wings 2,010 20 800 2,830[60]
After wings 18,000 50 3,000 21,050[61]
Gerheade 1,890 10 470 2,370[62]
Helbram 750 200 450 1,400[63]
Matrona 2,200 4,400 1,000 7,600[64]
Jenna 2,050 450 500 3,000[65]
Zaneri 2,540 10 450 3,000[66]
Theo 650 650 350 1,650[67]
Arthur 37,600 900 1,500 40,000[68]
Cath 5,000 10 5,000 10,010[69]
Orlondi 1,750 530 820 3,100[70]
Ren 590 1,770 710 3,070[71]
Gelda 2,450 430 1,200 4,080[72]
Mod 1,100 100 500 1,700[73]
Ganne 0 1,300 420 1,720[74]
Dale Human 1,220
Reactor 2,490
Chandler True Form 173,000[75]
Cusack True Form 168,000[76]
Ludociel 201,000[77]



  • It is interesting to note that the symbol on Elizabeth's right eye looks similar to Balor's Magical Eye. Also, a similar symbol has been seen on Meliodas' armor (on the belt and the left knee) as a member of the sins 10 years ago.
  • Gowther has stated that he is "loaded" with it.[78] This means that he can see the power levels of others directly, without wearing it.
  • In the manga, its arms curve to the left, while in the anime, its arms curve to the right.


  1. Chapter 106
  2. Chapter 107
  3. Nanatsu no Taizai Manga: Volume 24
  4. Nanatsu no Taizai Manga: Volume 24
  5. Nanatsu no Taizai Manga: Volume 24
  6. Nanatsu no Taizai Manga, Volume 29
  7. Chapter 137
  8. Nanatsu no Taizai Character Guidebook Pair Sin: Meliodas & Elizabeth
  9. Chapter 106
  10. Chapter 107
  11. Chapter 107
  12. Chapter 237 , Page 11
  13. Chapter 107
  14. Character Guidebook Pair Sin: King & Diane, page 62
  15. Note: In Chapter 237, her power is assessed as 8,000
  16. Character Guidebook Pair Sin: King & Diane, page 62
  17. Chapter 218
  18. Chapter 107
  19. Chapter 107
  20. Chapter 137
  21. Chapter 107
  22. Chapter 107
  23. Chapter 137
  24. Chapter 107
  25. Chapter 107
  26. Chapter 115
  27. Second Official Fanbook: page 28
  28. Chapter 149
  29. Side Story 3
  30. Chapter 218
  31. Chapter 125
  32. Chapter 125
  33. Nanatsu no Taizai Manga: Volume 17
  34. Chapter 169
  35. Chapter 169
  36. Chapter 231
  37. Chapter 178
  38. Chapter 178
  39. Second Official Fanbook: page 26
  40. Chapter 278 , Page 12
  41. Second Official Fanbook: page 27
  42. Second Official Fanbook: page 29
  43. Second Official Fanbook: page 30
  44. Second Official Fanbook: page 31
  45. Second Official Fanbook: page 32
  46. Second Official Fanbook: page 33
  47. Second Official Fanbook: page 34
  48. Second Official Fanbook: page 35
  49. Second Official Fanbook: page 38
  50. Second Official Fanbook: page 40
  51. Second Official Fanbook: page 41
  52. Second Official Fanbook: page 41
  53. Second Official Fanbook: page 43
  54. Second Official Fanbook: page 43
  55. Second Official Fanbook: page 44
  56. Second Official Fanbook: page 44
  57. Second Official Fanbook: page 45
  58. Second Official Fanbook: page 47
  59. Second Official Fanbook: page 47
  60. Second Official Fanbook: page 50
  61. Chapter 229 , Page 15
  62. Second Official Fanbook: page 51
  63. Second Official Fanbook: page 51
  64. Second Official Fanbook: page 52
  65. Second Official Fanbook: page 54
  66. Second Official Fanbook: page 54
  67. Second Official Fanbook: page 54
  68. Second Official Fanbook: page 58
  69. Second Official Fanbook: page 58
  70. Second Official Fanbook: page 185
  71. Second Official Fanbook: page 186
  72. Second Official Fanbook: page 186
  73. Second Official Fanbook: page 187
  74. Second Official Fanbook: page 187
  75. Chapter 286 , Page 9
  76. Chapter 286 , Page 9
  77. Chapter 286 , Page 14
  78. Chapter 107