Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki
Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki

Duke Calden「カルデン」 is the governor of Sistana and father of Anghalhad.




Calden at some point meet Anghalhad's mother when she was a Holy Knight of Camelot, becoming acquaintances with some of her comrades like Ironside.


Sistana arc[]

Calden was receiving the Holy Knight Ironside with his daughter Anghalhad. The two had a formal conversation where Ironside offered to introduce Anghalhad to his son, although the girl seemed distracted by his falsehood revealed by her magical power, earning a wake-up call from her father. Ironside also asks about the artifact he was looking for and was in the town, to which Calden says that they are doing everything possible to find it, although Anghalhad sees that he is lying.

Calden has an argument with his daughter, who warns him that Ironside is a liar. Calden tells her that she is only a girl, to which she says that she will become a Holy Knight that will protect everyone, to which Calden slaps her and orders her not to go out.

Calden receives Ironside when he gives a speech in front of the entire town about the Coffin of Eternal Darkness that will bring peace to the town. However, Anghalhad interrupts trying to expose Ironside's lies, leading him to assault her. Calden tries to intercede for her daughter without success. When Ironside attacks Anghalhad and Percival with his magic when they try to pair, Calden berates him for wanting to kill his daughter.

When Anghalhad and Percival's group are attacked by Ironside, Calden protects his daughter by shielding her with his body, saying that it is his duty as a father to see that she is safe. He is then healed by Percival's mini golems.

After Anghalhad and Percival's group managed to stop Ironside from destroying the entire town, Calden is thanking them for what they did. He asks Percival if he's okay after having to fight his own father, to which he says he's okay. Donny asks him that he knows Ironside, revealing that he is an old acquaintance of his wife, who like him was a Holy Knight of Camelot.

Anghalhad then appears saying that she will go on a journey to become a fine Holy Knight like her mother. Calden says he understands her but can't let her go alone, asking Percival's group to accompany her. Calden mentions how similar Anghalhad is to her mother.





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Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins Sins: Ban  •  Diane  •  Escanor  •  Gowther  •  King  •  Meliodas  •  Merlin
Boar Hat's Team
Boar Hat's Team: Elizabeth Liones  •  Hawk  •  Hawk Mama
Four Knights of the Apocalypse
Four Knights of the Apocalypse: Gawain  •  Lancelot  •  Percival  •  Tristan
Percival Platoon
Percival Platoon: Anghalhad  •  Donny  •  Nasiens
Tristan Platoon
Tristan Platoon: Chion  •  Isolde  •  Jade
Kingdom of Liones
Royal Family: Bartra Liones  •  Caroline Liones  •  Denzel Liones  •  Elizabeth Liones  •  Margaret Liones  •  Nadja Liones  •  Tristan Liones  •  Veronica Liones
Great Holy Knights: Dreyfus  •  Hendrickson  •  Howzer  •  Zaratras
Holy Knights: Dale  •  Gannon  •  Gilthunder  •  Griamore  •  Guila  •  Gustaf  •  Jericho  •  Kaide  •  Marmas  •  Vivian
Dawn Roar: Hugo  •  Jillian  •  Simon  •  Slader  •  Weinheidt
Pleiades of the Azure Sky: Arden  •  Deathpierce  •  Deldry  •  Denzel Liones  •  Dogedo  •  Invisible  •  Waillo
Weird Fangs: Friesia  •  Golgius  •  Jude  •  Ruin
Apprentice Knights: Andre  •  Hansen  •  Muramo  •  Parada  •  Twigo
Kingdom of Camelot
Ruler: Arthur Pendragon
Allies: Cath  •  Kay  •  Merlin
Holy Knights: Alltabhainne  •  Ardbeg  •  Brackla  •  Glenesk  •  Jericho  •  Livet  •  Lochranza  •  Macduff  •  Miltonduff  •  Mortlach  •  Nanashi  •  Rosebank  •  Talisker  •  Teaninich
Four Evils: Beltreipe  •  Ironside  •  Pellegarde  •  Worreldane
Dark Talismans: Burgie  •  Fiddich  •  Elgin  •  Doronach  •  Tamdhu
Citizens: Diodora
Demon Clan
Ruler: Demon King
Ten Commandments: Aranak  •  Calmadios  •  Derieri  •  Estarossa  •  Fraudrin  •  Galand  •  Gowther  •  Grayroad  •  Melascula  •  Monspeet  •  Zeldris  •  Zeno
Six Knights of Darkness: Asyl  •  Bianchi  •  Dim  •  Gallow  •  Nora  •  Schwarz
Goddess Clan
Ruler: Supreme Deity