Rampaging Love「暴走する愛, Bōsō suru Ai」 is the 265th chapter of the manga, Nanatsu no Taizai.
Short Summary[]
Derieri, the Seven Deadly Sins, the Four Archangels and the Holy Knights face off an increasingly unstable Estarossa, as Elizabeth Liones sacrifices herself in order to stop the fight to protect her friends.
Long Summary[]
Question Corner[]
Q285. Tokumei-san: Baccho-sensei, is your cactus still alive?
Nakaba: Well, it was called to heaven a long time ago.
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
- Elizabeth (Flashback)
- Meliodas (Flashback)
- Gowther
- Hawk
- Diane
- King
- Sariel
- Tarmiel
- Derieri
- Elizabeth Liones
- Estarossa
- Guila
- Hawk Mama
- Howzer