The Fallen Angel of Despair, Mael「絶望の堕天使マエル, Zetsubō no Datenshi Maeru」 is the 274th chapter of the manga, Nanatsu no Taizai.
Short Summary[]
Mael wakes up after he recover his memories. After Mael describes his pain, Gowther explains that he caused Mael all the trouble, and asks Mael to kill him for the responsibility of Gowther's actions.
Long Summary[]
Question Corner[]
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
- Derieri
- Elizabeth Liones
- Gowther
- Hawk
- King
- Mael
- Sariel
- Tarmiel
- Goddess Elizabeth (Flashback)
- Ludociel (Flashback)
- Jelamet (Flashback)
- Meliodas (Flashback)
- Fraudrin (Flashback)
- Grayroad (Flashback)
- Monspeet (Flashback)
- Zeldris (Flashback)