Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki
Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki

Cunning Maggots「小賢しき蛆虫たち, Kozakashiki Ujimushi-tachi」 is the 290th chapter of the manga, Nanatsu no Taizai.

Short Summary[]

With Zeldris down, the Assault Force now has to focus on taking down Chandler and Cusack, the two oldest Demons in existence.

Long Summary[]

Zeldris drops to the floor on his knees, having been grievously injured by Ludociel's Gold Shining. Proclaiming that this will finish him off, Ludociel charges at Zeldris with an Ark blade, only for Cusack to appear and pin Ludociel's blade down with his two blades of darkness. He then fires lasers from his eyes, forcing Ludociel to move back. Meanwhile, Hendrickson attempts to heal Gilthunder's wounds but his magic isn't enough. While Merlin notes that he'll die if his wounds aren't healed, Hendrickson asks Ludociel to heal Gilthunder. Ludociel says he doesn't have time and Chandler faces off against Merlin, saying that since Cusack is keeping Ludociel busy, it's his job to take out the trash.

Cusack suggests Zeldris stay back and leave the rest to the two of them. Zeldris agrees to and orders Cusack not to let them disturb Meliodas. He then orders Cusack to show off his power, his power that surpasses the Ten Commandments and even himself. Cusack says he will but then tells Zeldris he will soon surpass him, much to Zeldris's own confusion. Ludociel cockily asks if those were his last words and Cusack tells him to save it. Escanor asks Merlin if the high-ranked Demons are really that strong and Merlin recounts how Chandler and Cusack are two of the oldest Demons alive. They possess great strength and yet, as teachers of Meliodas and Zeldris, they always spent their time in the Demon Realm by their students' side, never even participating in the Holy War.

Ludociel claims that if he could take down Zeldris, then Cusack is no match and tells him to fall before his Grace, Flash. He and Cusack then engage in a sword match which ends with Ludociel's clothes ripping. He commends Cusack for it and Cusack reminds him he was the one who taught Zeldris how to wield a sword. Ludociel then quickly thrusts his blade into Cusack's gut, telling him not to get so full of himself. Cusack then headbutts Ludociel back and as blood drips from his head, Ludociel is surprised to see that Cusack remained unharmed from his attack while Cusack questions if this is all Ludociel can do in a vessel. Chandler then exclaims it's time he and Merlin got started and asks her to make it more fun for him.

Merlin then fires Exterminate Ray through Aldan. Chandler responds with the same attack, but much bigger. As the two rays clash, Hendrickson is in awe that Chandler's magic outclasses Merlin by this much. Merlin instructs Escanor to go get Rhitta but Escanor is unable to as the axe is being surrounded by the shockwave of Merlin's and Chandler's clash. When Chandler's attack begins pushing Merlin's back, Merlin casts Enchant: Infinity through Aldan to significantly empower her attack and overwhelm Chandler's, hitting him directly. After commenting on how even a high-ranked Demon is no match for Merlin's Infinity, Escanor prepares to get Rhitta, only for Ludociel to be flung near him.

Getting up, Ludociel asks Merlin why none of his attacks are working, questioning if this is their magic. Merlin assesses that their natural-born magic has, for some reason, been sealed off and yet, they are celebrated as the strongest Demons after the Demon King and thus, it can only be for one reason: they are strong without equal, fast without compare and tougher than any other. Escanor trembles and questions if that means they have no weaknesses and Merlin confirms that's true. Suddenly, Cusack is attacked by a concentration of wind and Chandler is struck by a bolt of lightning. Cusack questions if that trick was supposed to be effective, only for him and Chandler to notice they were wounded by those attacks, even though it's minor. As Ludociel stares in shock, Merlin declares that if they have no weaknesses at all, then all she needs to is create some for them.

Question Corner[]

Q317. HarleQueen-san (From Canada): Has Merlin fallen in love with Meliodas up to now?

Nakaba: She has had a one-sided love for Meliodas.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]


Site Navigation[]

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Volume 9: 63  •  64  •  65  •  66  •  67  •  68  •  69  •  70  •  71
Volume 10: 72  •  73  •  Gaiden 2  •  74  •  75  •  76  •  77  •  78
Volume 11: 79  •  80  •  81  •  82  •  83  •  84  •  85  •  86  •  Extra 4
Volume 12: 87  •  88  •  89  •  90  •  91  •  92  •  93  •  94  •  95  •  Extra 7
Volume 13: 96  •  97  •  98  •  99  •  100  •  101  •  102  •  103  •  104  •  Extra 5
Volume 14: 105  •  106  •  107  •  108  •  109  •  110  •  111  •  112  •  113
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Volume 16: 122  •  123  •  124  •  125  •  126  •  Gaiden 3  •  127
Volume 17: 128  •  129  •  130  •  131  •  132  •  133  •  134  •  135
Volume 18: 136  •  137  •  138  •  139  •  140  •  141  •  142  •  143  •  144
Volume 19: 145  •  146  •  147  •  148  •  149  •  150  •  151  •  152  •  153
Volume 20: 154  •  155  •  156  •  157  •  158  •  159  •  160  •  161  •  162
Volume 21: 163  •  164  •  165  •  166  •  167  •  168  •  169  •  170  •  Extra 9
Volume 22: 171  •  172  •  173  •  174  •  175  •  176  •  177  •  178  •  179
Volume 23: 180  •  181  •  182  •  183  •  184  •  185  •  186  •  187  •  188
Volume 24: 189  •  190  •  191  •  192  •  193  •  194  •  195  •  196  •  197  •  Extra 10
Volume 25: 198  •  199  •  200  •  201  •  202  •  203  •  204  •  205  •  206
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Volume 33: 267  •  268  •  269  •  270  •  271  •  272  •  273  •  274  •  275
Volume 34: 276  •  277  •  278  •  279  •  280  •  281  •  282  •  283  •  284  •  Extra 20
Volume 35: 285  •  286  •  287  •  288  •  289  •  290  •  291  •  292  •  293
Volume 36: 294  •  295  •  296  •  297  •  298  •  299  •  300  •  301  •  302  •  Extra 19
Volume 37: 303  •  304  •  305  •  306  •  307  •  308  •  309  •  310  •  311
Volume 38: 312  •  313  •  314  •  315  •  316  •  317  •  318  •  319  •  320
Volume 39: 321  •  322  •  323  •  324  •  325  •  326  •  327  •  Gaiden 5  •  328
Volume 40: 329  •  330  •  331  •  332  •  333  •  334  •  335  •  336  •  337
Volume 41: 338  •  339  •  340  •  341  •  342  •  343  •  344  •  345  •  346
Not in Volumes: Extra 21  •  Gaiden 6
Official Fanbook: Extra 6
Official Fanbook 2: Vampires of Edinburgh
Other Special Chapters
Miscellaneous: One Shot  •  Vampires of Edinburgh  •  The Queen of the Altar  •  Original Storybook
Fairy Tail x Nanatsu no Taizai: 4-koma  •  Christmas Special
Uno Gaiden: 1  •  2  •  3
New Holy War arc
21 (S3)22 (S3)23 (S3)24 (S3)1 (S4)2 (S4)3 (S4)4 (S4)5 (S4)6 (S4)7 (S4)8 (S4)9 (S4)10 (S4)11 (S4)12 (S4)13 (S4)
Fights and Events
Search-and-Destroy Force vs. DemonsMonspeet & Derieri vs. EstarossaSariel & Tarmiel vs. EstarossaMeliodas, Ban & Wild vs. Demon KingGowther, King, Sariel, Tarmiel & Derieri vs. MaelGowther, King, Diane & Elizabeth vs. MaelAssault Force vs. Zeldris, Chandler & CusackSeven Deadly Sins & Four Archangels vs. Zeldris & Original DemonSeven Deadly Sins, Four Archangels & Zeldris vs. Demon King