The Witch's Dinner「魔女の晩餐, Majo no Bansan」 is the 291st chapter of the manga, Nanatsu no Taizai.
Short Summary[]
By using a magic she's been setting up in the background all this time, Merlin takes on Chandler and Cusack. But what will happen when Gowther's spell breaks...?
Long Summary[]
Chandler scoffs at Merlin's claim that she'll create weaknesses for them when her previous attack only scratched them. Ludociel tells Merlin that bluffs won't work. The two Demons then take a step, only for them to be bombarded by wind and lightning attacks again and this time, the damage done to them increased. Watching, Zeldris questions what happened as he didn't even see her make a move. Merlin then reveals this is thanks to the magic she cast earlier in the battle: Double Impact. She reminds them it's the magic that disappointed them so and Cusack is shocked to realise that wasn't an offensive magic. Merlin explains that with the first wave, the two Demons are exposed to the four core elemental magics: fire, wind, water and earth, along with their various attributes.
Using that, she was able to find which elemental magic they were naturally least resistant to. For Chandler, it was lightning and for Cusack, it was wind. Then, with the second wave, she decreased their resistance to those particular elements significantly and thanks to her Infinity, each time they're hit, their resistance continually decreases. As Ludociel admits he's glad she's not his enemy, Escanor asks when she set this up and Merlin reveals she was doing it while teleporting around to escape Zeldris's Ominous Nebula. Now that he knows the source, Chandler attempts to cast Absolute Cancel to dispel the magic, only to be struck by lightning again. Cusack questions where the attacks are even coming from, only to then be hit by a large concentration of wind. Merlin then reveals she's filled the entire space of this room with countless lightning and wind magic that will respond to their every movement and incantation.
And thanks to her Infinity, those magics will not cease to disappear until they die. As Chandler and Cusack are forced to continually be assaulted by lightning and wind, Ludociel questions what kind of absurd magic this is. Merlin admits she doesn't really know as she just cast a dual magic attack and improvised from there, making it "invisible," "undetectable," "auto-tracking," and for the final touches, added Infinity, prompting Ludociel to inwardly exclaim about how this has got to be against the rules. When Gilthunder coughs up blood, Hendrickson asks Ludociel to heal him since Gilthunder got hurt protecting him. Ludociel points out that Gilthunder did it for Margaret, not him, before asserting he has to retain as much magic as possible. Completely bloodied, Cusack stands up and calls it insulting for them to be humiliated by a Human girl.
He then smirks and Merlin questions why, only for Cusack to cast Resonant when he and Merlin's eyes meet. Laughing, Chandler recounts how Resonant allows Cusack to take control of his enemy's mind and rob them of all resistance, which is why he's called the "Napping Reaper." Inside Merlin's mind, Cusack meets her true self and after mockingly calling her adorable, he promises she will meet the same fate as Arthur after he makes her dispel the magic she set up. He declares she's his prisoner, only for Merlin to suddenly punch him back. Sitting on Cusack's chest, Merlin questions if he really thought he could take control of her spirit, which has been strengthened by the Supreme Deity. Merlin asserts he's the one who stepped into Hell and prepares to take her revenge for Arthur.
Back outside, Chandler tells Cusack to hurry up and make Merlin dispel her magic, unaware that Cusack's spirit has been taken prisoner. When struck by lightning again, Chandler notes that he can't hold on any longer, only for Zeldris to jump in and dispel the magic for them. As Chandler falls to the floor, Zeldris asserts that in the face of the Demon King's magic, Merlin's is nothing to fear. Still injured, he ends up almost fainting but shakes it off, which gives Ludociel the chance to cut him down once more, knocking him out. With all three Demons down, Ludociel laughs and declares that this is the Goddess Clan's victory. He wonders if Mael is watching, only to grab his head and wonder why he keeps imagining Estarossa when he thinks of Mael. Ludociel then falls to the floor screaming as Gowther's spell becomes undone.
Question Corner[]
Q318. Nekotomo-san (From Kagawa Prefecture): How much of a family do Merlin and her father feel?
Nakaba: They're both observation subjects. There's not a speck of father-daughter love between them.
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
- Chandler
- Cusack
- Escanor
- Gilthunder
- Hendrickson
- Ludociel
- Merlin
- Zeldris
- Mael (fantasy)
- This chapter was originally released under the title An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth「目には目を 歯には歯を, Me ni wa Me wo, Ha ni wa Ha wo」.