The Nightmare's Manifestation - The Return of Hope「悪夢の顕現 希望の帰還, Akumu no Kengen Kibō no Kikan」 is the 292nd chapter of the manga, Nanatsu no Taizai.
Short Summary[]
Now at a stalemate with the Assault Force thanks to the aftereffects of Gowther's spell breaking, Chandler and Cusack fuse into their original form: the Original Demon. Meanwhile, a certain someone comes back from Purgatory...
Long Summary[]
In Merlin's mind, Cusack questions if she knows what she's doing as his body was been pulled apart by multiple snake-like monsters. Merlin commends Cusack for staying conscious when an ordinary Demon would've died from the pain. She then says she needs him to keep going since this is the only way she can fill the void in her heart left by the death of Arthur. Cusack realises he needs to get back to his body as soon as possible as, not only will he and Chandler fall to Merlin, but so will Zeldris. Suddenly, Merlin's head begins throbbing and so does Cusack's. Despite the migraine, Cusack uses this chance of Merlin being distracted to go back to his body. Back outside, Escanor asks Merlin if she's alright but she just tells him to get Rhitta.
As Escanor does, he wonders what's happening as he passes a flailing Ludociel on the ground, bending back in pain. Hendrickson calls out to Ludociel but when Gilthunder coughs up blood, Hendrickson exerts himself and uses up his magic to heal him. Meanwhile, Ludociel is in disbelief that Estarossa of the Ten Commandments, the man who he swore to kill for killing Mael, was Mael himself. Gilthunder regains consciousness, fully healed, and asks Hendrickson why he healed him without healing his injuries first. Back in his day form, Escanor helps Merlin up and explains he used the sun charged in Rhitta to power himself. He then says that they have more pressing matters and Zeldris proclaims that luck has taken their side as all three Demons stand back up, fully healed.
When Merlin questions how they're healed already, Chandler tells her to never underestimate the regenerative powers of a high-ranked Demon before coiling back as Cusack tells him to be quiet, likening his migraine to a hangover. Looking at Ludociel, Cusack chuckles and notes that it seems some are taking it harder than them. Hendrickson questions what the Demons did to Ludociel but Merlin informs him that this is her master, Gowther's doing and suspects he used a forbidden magic that altered the memories of everyone who knew Mael, even the Demon King. Cusack then realises why he felt something was off with Estarossa and expresses his surprise that Gowther pulled off reshaping Mael into Estarossa to force the Goddess Clan to use the Coffin of Eternal Darkness.
Cusack then notes that the closer someone was to Mael, the bigger the shock to their senses were when the spell finally broke. As Escanor and Hendrickson stand shocked to hear Estarossa is Mael, Merlin asks why Zeldris seems okay, despite Estarossa having been his brother. Zeldris then coldly states that he never loved Estarossa as a brother and is relieved to hear that he was never his brother in the first place. Zeldris then suggests they move on to the second round but Cusack tells him to leave it to him and Chandler. He says that, though their prospects are better with Ludociel too impacted to even fight, Escanor has recovered and Merlin's power is seemingly bottomless.
Zeldris asks why they want to fight alone if that's the case and Cusack brings up the fact that the Seven Deadly Sins will be on their way here and expresses his want for Zeldris to deal with them when they arrive while he and Chandler will deal with Merlin and Escanor. After claiming that this is their duty, Chandler and Cusack cross their weapons and a light shines as their bodies begin fusing into one. Cusack reveals that, long ago, to help him take control of the Demon Realm, the Demon King created a certain Demon. Naming him the "Original Demon," the Demon King granted him his power to act as his right-hand man. However, the Original Demon became conceited and mistook that borrowed power for his own, eventually coming to rebel against the Demon King. Of course, the Demon King defeated the Original Demon and gave him a punishment: he spilt the Original Demon's body and soul into two and gave the two halves an important mission.
They were to act as instructors to the two princes to raise them into inheriting the throne. Cusack then wishes Zeldris for success while Chandler wishes Meliodas to become Demon King. The two then completely fuse and the barrier created by Meliodas and the five Commandments shatters. Merlin questions if that's their true form and the Original Demon emerges from the smoke. The Original Demon introduces himself, calling himself the great sinner. Merlin then nervously exclaims they've lost all hope of victory. Elsewhere, King's group notice that something powerful has emerged at Camelot. Elizabeth recommends they hurry and Hawk suggests they rendezvous with Hawk Mama, only for his eyes to glow. The light then begins getting brighter before flashing, leaving behind a person in smoke. As Hawk cries about how he's come back, King notes that his sister's eyes were spot on when they chose Ban. Looking up, Ban inwardly tells Meliodas and Elaine he's back.
Question Corner[]
Q319. Invisible Air Chair-san: What's your favorite day of the week, Nakaba-sensei?
Nakaba: When I was a kid, it was Saturday, but now... Regardless of weekday or weekend, I'm always working... So I guess it would be, when we get together to plan and go out to drink?
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
- Cusack
- Merlin
- Escanor
- Gilthunder
- Hendrickson
- Ludociel
- Zeldris
- Chandler
- Mael (Flashback)
- Original Demon
- Diane
- Elizabeth Liones
- Hawk
- King
- Ban