The Gathered「集結するものたち, Shūketsu suru Mono-tachi」 is the 295th chapter of the manga, Nanatsu no Taizai.
Short Summary[]
As King and the others approach Camelot, the Commandments reunite with the other five inside Meliodas's cocoon.
Long Summary[]
As the Original Demon struggles to hold back Chastiefol, Merlin realises what the weapon is and after Escanor questions where King is, Merlin also realises that King must've awakened his true powers as the Fairy King to be able to control the spear from afar. Watching, Zeldris realises that the Seven Deadly Sins are on their way from the north before also sensing something else. King inwardly notes that using the Spirit Spear from afar drains too much magic and thus, he can only use one form at a time before deciding to end it all at once. The Original Demon quickly dices the Spirit Spear into pieces but it immediately reforms into Fourth Form: Sunflower. Realising the danger, Merlin immediately teleports her and Escanor into the air while the Original Demon tries backing away.
King declares he won't get away as Sunflower fires, releasing a blast that levels some of the remaining bits of the castle. Merlin calls it incredible while Escanor huffs and calls King cocky. However, King realises his magic was cancelled out as Zeldris flies in the air, having used God to protect the Original Demon from the blast. He orders the Sinner to take care of Merlin and Escanor while he takes care of King. Watching the ensuing battle, Hendrickson realises they'll be dragged into it and instructs Gilthunder to leave but the Holy Knight refuses to leave Margaret behind. Ludociel continues to cry, knowing Mael's alive before staggering to his feet and begging Hendrickson to take him to Mael, admitting he's so weak that he can't even walk let alone fly. He claims he doesn't even care if Hendrickson laughs at his state before asking him to do this for him.
Holding his head, Hendrickson calls Ludociel a poor thing before casting Purge, forcing Ludociel out of Margaret's body. As Gilthunder catches the unconscious Margaret, he questions if that's the true form of Ludociel, looking at the Archangel, who's lying on the ground. Hendrickson reveals that Purge doesn't just remove evil entities: it expels anything unnatural to return it to its normal state. For example, it can turn mud into clean water. Hendrickson admits it only worked because Ludociel was so weakened and if he tried before and failed, he would've let him have no chances at all. Gilthunder questions if this was Hendrickson's plan all along and Hendrickson reveals it was, before instucting Gilthunder to leave with Margaret. He relays Zaratras's last words for him before telling him to go. Shedding a tear, Gilthunder activates his Thunderbolt and carries Margaret in his arms as he runs from the battle.
Getting up, Ludociel angrily exclaims about how Hendrickson tricked him, only for the former Chief Holy Knight to offer up his own body in return, inwardly saying goodbye to Dreyfus. Back at the battle, Zeldris repels the blades of Fifth Form: Increase. He tells King to give up this futile resistance, only for Chastiefol to reform into Second Form: Guardian, punching Zeldris. King asks if he thinks this is also futile, only for Zeldris to smirk about how the Sins still haven't noticed they're not the only ones on their way here. Diane and Elizabeth then sense a strange aura in front of them that's also heading to Camelot. Mael then exclaims that Zeldris must've known this would happen: that he, or rather Estarossa, in the depths of madness, would randomly gather them, be unable to handle them at the risk of destruction. Elizabeth then realises the strange aura is the four Commandments that were expelled from Mael's body.
Mael recalls how the Commandments are fragments of the Demon King's power and the more gathered they are, the more self-awareness they gain. Commandments are naturally attracted to other Commandments and right now, Meliodas is absorbing five Commandments at Camelot, meaning that's why they're heading there. Elizabeth exclaims if that does happen, then Meliodas will become Demon King but Diane assures her it can't happen because Merlin still has a hold on Melascula's Commandment. But Mael notes it may be too late already. At Camelot, the test tube Melascula's in comes out of Merlin's clothes and she realises her Commandment must be reacting to something. Suddenly, the test tube shatters and the Commandment of Faith exits Melascula's body, joining up with the four Commandments that have arrived. Looking at them, Zeldris inwardly tells Gelda it won't be long now while Elizabeth inwardly tells Meliodas not to do it. The Original Demon then declares it's time for the birth of a new Demon King.
Question Corner[]
Q322. Yageta Yuusuke (From Tochigi Prefecture): What will be your Christmas present (to yourself), Baccho-sensei?
Nakaba: "Dragon Quest Builders 2" that my wife will offer me.
(Editors' note: It wasn't Christmas yet when the question was asked.)
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
- Escanor
- Merlin
- Original Demon
- Zeldris
- King
- Mael
- Gilthunder
- Hendrickson
- Ludociel
- Margaret Liones
- Elizabeth Liones
- Diane
- Gowther
- Hawk
- Melascula