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Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki

Doronach「ドロナック」 is a Holy Knight serving King Arthur Pendragon of Camelot and member of the Dark Talismans.


Doronach Full Appearance
Doronach full appearance




Dalflare Range arc[]

Doronach and his companions argue that their other fellow Knights have all failed to deal with Percival and the rest. When a magic bolt goes at them with Tamdhu as a target, he tries to use his spear to defend himself, but the attack passes through and hits him. Seeing that it had no effect on him, Tamdhu creates a bluff and prepares to use his power again. However, his spear ends up piercing his partner. Being under the control of Gowther's Jack, Tamdhu begins to launch his spears left and right at his companions. Tamdhu demands that Fiddich do something, to which he kills him by cutting him to pieces with his sword.

Entangled Forest arc[]

After tracking their targets to the Entangled Forest, the Dark Talismans notice that their magical trails have dispersed. Assuming they are separated to fight one on one, the Talismans split up to go after them.

Sensing Elgin being defeated, Burgie and Doronach pursue Percival's group on the back of Sleipnir. Burgie attacks them with her Wind Sickles and then cuts them off with Sand Wall.

As Anghalhad and Donny decide to confront them, Donny finds himself in trouble against Doronach's Impact power, as Sin points out that it has a greater range than his floating power. However, Sin manages to make this work in their favor by having the Impact give Anghalhad the necessary boost to separate Burgie from her magic staff.

As Donny refuses to stop escaping, Doronach insists that they confront each other directly and without magic. Donny then engages Doronach with his dagger, displaying great skill, being able to repeatedly slash his opponent quickly and efficiently. Doronach manages to stop the bleeding by contracting his muscles, forcing Donny to levitate him to which Doronach responds with his own power. Knocked down, Donny says that his useless magic can't beat him, but Sin explains that he is limiting himself since magic can stretch as far as his imagination. Following Sin's instructions, Donny manages not only to levitate Doronach but to launch him through the air by imagining that he is a stone in his hands.

When Fiddich arrives and criticizes the performance of his companions, he declares that he no longer intends to eliminate Percival and the rest without pain, but to give them a painful death and in desperation for humiliating them. Once Elgin joins them, Fiddich uses an Incantation Orb to heal his teammates' injuries with a Hyper Recovery Spell.

Seeing Sin and Percival managing to raise everyone's morale to continue fighting, Fiddich indicates his fellow Talismans to eliminate Sin first, who acts as their commander. He locks the four with Sin in a Perfect Cube so that the others do not interfere. As Sin evades the attacks and kills Elgin and Burgie by shooting arrows at their pressure points, stating that being willing to kill they should be prepared to die, Doronach release his Impact magic, despite the fact that Fiddich warns him not to do it inside the Perfect Cube. Sin returns to his true form and easily beats Doronach with a single punch. Fiddich then splits Doronach in half seeing that he have becomed a burden.


Doronach possesses considerable physical strength, being able to split open the earth with a swing from his axe.


  • Impact衝撃インパクトInpakuto」: This power allows Doronach to generate expanding shockwaves with a radius of 50 feet. [1]




  • Like many of the Camelot Holy Knights, Doronach is named after the Glendronach distillery, a Scottish whisky distillery located near Forgue, by Huntly, Aberdeenshire, founded in 1826.
  • Doronach is the only Talisman that doesn't use a full helmet to cover his face.



[v · e · ?]
Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins Sins: Ban  •  Diane  •  Escanor  •  Gowther  •  King  •  Meliodas  •  Merlin
Boar Hat's Team
Boar Hat's Team: Elizabeth Liones  •  Hawk  •  Hawk Mama
Four Knights of the Apocalypse
Four Knights of the Apocalypse: Gawain  •  Lancelot  •  Percival  •  Tristan
Percival Platoon
Percival Platoon: Anghalhad  •  Donny  •  Nasiens
Tristan Platoon
Tristan Platoon: Chion  •  Isolde  •  Jade
Kingdom of Liones
Royal Family: Bartra Liones  •  Caroline Liones  •  Denzel Liones  •  Elizabeth Liones  •  Margaret Liones  •  Nadja Liones  •  Tristan Liones  •  Veronica Liones
Great Holy Knights: Dreyfus  •  Hendrickson  •  Howzer  •  Zaratras
Holy Knights: Dale  •  Gannon  •  Gilthunder  •  Griamore  •  Guila  •  Gustaf  •  Jericho  •  Kaide  •  Marmas  •  Vivian
Dawn Roar: Hugo  •  Jillian  •  Simon  •  Slader  •  Weinheidt
Pleiades of the Azure Sky: Arden  •  Deathpierce  •  Deldry  •  Denzel Liones  •  Dogedo  •  Invisible  •  Waillo
Weird Fangs: Friesia  •  Golgius  •  Jude  •  Ruin
Apprentice Knights: Andre  •  Hansen  •  Muramo  •  Parada  •  Twigo
Kingdom of Camelot
Ruler: Arthur Pendragon
Allies: Cath  •  Kay  •  Merlin
Holy Knights: Alltabhainne  •  Ardbeg  •  Brackla  •  Glenesk  •  Jericho  •  Livet  •  Lochranza  •  Macduff  •  Miltonduff  •  Mortlach  •  Nanashi  •  Rosebank  •  Talisker  •  Teaninich
Four Evils: Beltreipe  •  Ironside  •  Pellegarde  •  Worreldane
Dark Talismans: Burgie  •  Fiddich  •  Elgin  •  Doronach  •  Tamdhu
Citizens: Diodora
Demon Clan
Ruler: Demon King
Ten Commandments: Aranak  •  Calmadios  •  Derieri  •  Estarossa  •  Fraudrin  •  Galand  •  Gowther  •  Grayroad  •  Melascula  •  Monspeet  •  Zeldris  •  Zeno
Six Knights of Darkness: Asyl  •  Bianchi  •  Dim  •  Gallow  •  Nora  •  Schwarz
Goddess Clan
Ruler: Supreme Deity