Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki
Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki

Power... it draws its source from one's strong will, belief and experience.

— Dreyfus in Chapter 66.

Nanatsu Legend 2

Holy Knights using their magical powers.

Magical Powers「魔力, Maryoku」 are mysterious and supernatural abilities that allow their wielder to perform various techniques. Generally, it is unique to individuals.


Magical Powers are mysterious, supernatural abilities.[1] These abilities can be categorized into offensive, defensive and support skills in battle. The Holy Knights from different kingdoms across Britannia use their magical abilities to protect people from various threats.

A person's magical power can also be measured as a numerical value by Balor's Magical Eye, along with Physical Strength and Willpower. These three factors, when added together, determine one's overall Power Level. Magical abilities can also be sensed through the exertion of the individuals' auras and those who felt it have different reactions towards such levels of power.


The source of an individual's power is stated to be drawn from one's will, beliefs and experiences.[2] In turn most, it not all of the magical powers' effects closely resemble their users' traits and personalities:

The power resides within the body itself[3] even though the catalyst to awaken one's power is unknown.[4] Some people are born with Magical Power, and other can awaken their Magical Power later in life through several causes like traumatic events.

This ideology is supported by Holy Knights' beliefs that their bodies are imbued with "magic that transcends human knowledge."[5]

Magical Powers can also be gained and utilized from other sources of power by research and experimentation. There are also times when powers are inherited. In some cases, powers can even be taught to others, such as how Chandler taught Meliodas how to use Full Counter.


While powers grant users various advantages and benefits when engaged in combat, there are drawbacks for using them :

  • Meliodas' Full Counter cannot reflect indirect or physical attacks;
  • Ruin's ability requires a unique staff's bell to make it work;
  • Invasion's requirement of a long-range distance;
  • Hazy Moon destroys Lancelot's weapon after usage.

A magical power weakens and grows unstable if the user loses control of their emotions,[6] though this may be remedied through training.[7]


Magic Evolve (Anime)

Magical powers grow and evolve with time and training.

According to Lancelot, magic families fall into two categories. Those that "power up" becoming more powerful and those that "transform" in stepwise fashion changing their own nature.[8]

Resemblances and Inheritances[]

Some races have Magical Powers that are shared across their races population, such as the Giant Clan's Creation or the Goddess Clan's Ark. Though individuals of such races could still have their own individual Magical Powers, such as Meliodas's Full Counter in addition to his Demon Clan's Hellblaze.

A Magical Power can bear resemblance within blood relatives, especially from parents to child :

ower's traits can also be inherited, even if they are not necessarily "identical". Ludociel and Jelamet had already recognized the Mael's Sunshine in Escanor, while Melascula had recognized Tristan Liones as a Nephilim resulting from the union between Meliodas and Elizabeth and Lancelot as a Fary/Human hybrid resulting from the union between Ban and Elaine.

In very rare cases, Magical Power can re-manifest in blood relatives. After Gustaf died, his sister Jericho manifests her brother's power.


As explained by Pellegarde, there are different Types「型, Kata」 of Magical Powers[9] by which abilities fall into one of nine categories.[10] There are very rare instances of a person possessing two or more types of magic.[11] Few cases among these people possesses four or more types of magic. Such people are called Hero-Types.

  • Destruction-Type「破壊型, Hakai-gata」: Allows the user to exert magical power with destructive properties, with natural forces like thunder or flame, or a unnatural dark force.
  • Shifting-Type「変性型, Hensei-gata」: Allows the user to modify the properties of matter. There are multiple varieties to it, like modifying an object's weight, the hardness or water into ice.
  • Healing-Type「回復型, Kaifuku-gata」: Allows the user to heal injuries and ailments of themselves or others. Its effects and scope are diverse and is regarded to be mostly belonging to the Goddess Clan and the Druids who worship them.
  • Search-Type「探索型, Tansaku-gata」: Different forces, like locating a particular object or finding out how genuine a person is, have been identified.[12]
  • Mental-Type「精神型, Seishin-gata」: It is regarded to be able to manipulate a person's mind and their memories. Depending how it is used, it can be even more powerful than the Destruction-Type.[13]
  • Deception-Type「幻惑型, Genwaku-gata」: A magic power that generates illusions or causes auditory hallucinations. It is thought to be found mostly in the Fairy Clan.[14]
  • Stealth-Type「隠密型, Onmitsu-gata」: Allows the user to approach their opponent without being noticed or track the opponent's movements from faraway.[15]
  • Enchantment-Type「符呪型, Fuju-gata」: Allows the user to imbue things with magic (e.g., their fists or weapons) to strengthen them and/or give them the properties of said magic.
  • Oracle-Type「神託型, Shintaku-gata」: A force surpassing the human intellect, that predicts the weather or the future events. It is regarded to be the rarest of all magic.[16]
  • Hero-Type「英雄型, Eiyū-gata」: An extremely rare type of power; those who possess four or more different types of magic fall into this category. So far, the only known person to possess this form of magic is two of the Four Knights of the Apocalypse, Lancelot and Percival.


Note: The magic power types categories indicated in the following list do not come from an official source. Those which are, will be marked with the corresponding reference.

Name Possessor Type Description Image
Acid腐蝕アシッドAshiddo; lit. "Corrosion"」 Hendrickson Destruction Allows the user to generate and manipulate acid. Hendrickson Acid
Adjustment調伏アドジャストメントAdojasutomento Turret Mental Allows the user to call creatures to do their bidding. Adjustment
Blaze火炎ブレイズBureizu; lit. "Flame"」 Cain Barzad Destruction Allows the user to generate and manipulate fire. Cain using Blaze
Boost爆進ブーストBūsuto; lit. "Rush"」 Dogedo Enchantment Allows the user to propel themselves at high speed. Boost anime
Break砕貫ブレイクBureiku; lit. "Breakthrough"」 Dreyfus Destruction Allows the user to manifest their willpower as great strength and destructive force. Dreyfus Break
Calamity天災カラミティKaramiti; lit. "Natural Disaster"」 Talisker Destruction Allows the user to control the weather. Talisker Calamity
Change交換チェンジChenji; lit. "Exchange"」 Thetis Unknown
Combo Star連撃星コンボスターKonbo Sutā; lit. "Star Chained Attack"」 Derieri Enchantment Allows the user to increase the force of each physical strike they make as long as they are uninterrupted. Derieri Combo Star
Conjuration降霊コンジュレーションKonjurēshon Gareth Mental Allows the user to summon and control the incorporeal ghost of a deceased. Conjuration
Crisis終局クライシスKuraishisu; lit. "Final Outcome"」 Original Demon Enchantment Allows the user to increase their power in proportion to the amount of damage they have sustained. Crisis Anime
Critical Over臨界突破クリティカルオーバーKuritikaru Ōbā; lit. "Critical Breakthrough"」 Galand Enchantment Allows the user to increase their physical abilities and power level for as long as their magic holds out. Galand using Critical Over
Curse不浄カースKāsu; lit. "Impurity"」 Grayroad Enchantment Allows the user to inflict their opponent with disadvantageous circumstances. Grayroad using Jubaku Ensa
Dawn曙光ドーンDōn Gawain Destruction


Allows the user to harness the power of the sun. Gawain Sunshine Anime
DeathデスDesu Unknown Holy Knight Destruction Allows the user to kill foes by enveloping them with black fog. Call of Inferno anime
Disaster災厄ディザスターDizasutā King
Shifting Allows the user to manipulate life, allowing the user to enhance or diminish the natural state of something, as well as deploy the properties of the Sacred Tree through the Spirit Spears. King using Status PromotionGuila running, dodging and blocking King's spear attacks
Discriminate識別ディスクリミネイトDisukurimineito; lit. "Identification"」 Unnamed Holy Knight Search Allows the user to get a description of other people's abilities and weaknesses. Discriminate
Duelist決闘者デュエリストDuerisuto Mortlach Mental Allows the user to force the opponent of its choice into a one-on-one combat, and relocating both the user and the opponent into an enclosed space of deathmatch.
Echo山彦エコーEkō Alltabhainne Enchantment Allows the user to amplify the sounds produced by the opponent and then make it resonate directly into the eardrums. Echo
Explosion爆炎エクスプロージョンEkusupurōjon; lit. "Explosive Flame"」 Guila Destruction Allows the user to generate and control explosions. Guila using Explosion
Full Counter全反撃フルカウンターFuru Kauntā; lit. "Full Counter-attack"」 Chandler (Magical and Physical-types)
Meliodas (Magical-type)
Estarossa (Physical-type)
Tristan Liones (Magical-type)
Enchantment Allows the user to reflect an enemy's attacks back at them, and multiply that attack's effects. Meliodas repelling Twigo's attackEstarossa Full Counter
Full Size巨大化フルサイズFuru Saizu; lit. "Gigantification"」 Fraudrin
Shifting Allows the user to grow to gargantuan proportions. Fraudrin using Full Size
Gatekeeper門番ゲートキーパーGētokīpā Rothes Search Allows the user to open dimensional rifts leading to Purgatory, also gaining resistance to its extreme conditions. Gatekeeper
Gift恩恵ギフトGifuto; lit. "Benefit"」 Theo Unknown
God魔神王ゴッドGoddo; lit. "Demon King"」 Zeldris Enchantment Allows the user to nullify all magical attacks. God
Great Thunder雷神グレイトサンダーGureito Sandā; lit. "Thunder God"」 Zaratras Destruction Allows the user to generate and manipulate lightning. Zaratras Thunder God Movement
Ground大地グラウンドGuraundo; lit. "Great Earth"」 Drole Shifting Allows the user to control and shape the earth. Drole using Giga Crush
Guardian守護ガーディアンGādian; lit. "Protection"」 Gerheade Unknown
Haste加速ヘイストHeisuto; lit. "Acceleration"」 Fiddich Enchantment Allows the user to increase their speed. Fiddich Haste
Hazy Moon朧月ヘイズィ・ムーンHeizi Mūn Lancelot Hero A power apparently able to release powerful burst of magical energy. Lancelot Hazy Moon
Hell Gate獄門ヘルゲートHeru Gēto; lit. "Prison Gate"」 Melascula Search Allows the user to open portals. Melascula Summon Ring
Hide Cloak隠密ハイドクロークHaido Kurōku; lit. "Stealth"」 Zhivago Unknown
Hollow Sound幻聴ホロウサウンドHorou Saundo; lit. "Auditory Hallucination"」 Gannon Deception Allows the user to create sounds, even over great distances. Hollow Sound
Homing追尾ホーミングHōmingu Tamdhu Enchantment Allows the user to infuse a weapon with magic in order to launch it against a target regardless of its distance. Homing
Hope希望ホープHōpu Percival Hero Allows the user to tap into the hope of their allies to generate a magical aura that can be used in several different ways: increased physical power, accelerated healing, creation of "magic golems", change of shape, etc. Percival Hope
Hussle倍力ハッスルHassuru; lit. "Boost"」 Waillo Unknown
"Iai"あいIai; lit. "Sword-Draw"」 Nanashi Destruction Allows the user to cut almost anything with a single swing of their sword. Nanashi s attack
Ice Fang氷牙アイスファングAisu Fangu


Allows the user to generate and manipulate ice. Gustaf attacking Hendrickson
Illusion幻視イリュージョンIryūjon; lit. "Vision"」 Elva Deception Allows the user to create optical illusions. Illusion
Imitation偽物イミテーションImitēshon; lit. "Fake"」 Edlin Deception Allows the user to create an illusory replica of a single target that looks and feels perfectly real. Imitation
Impact衝撃インパクトInpakuto Doronach Destruction Allows the user to generate expanding shockwaves with a radius of fifty feet. Doronach Impact
Infinity無限インフィニティInfiniti Merlin Enchantment Allows the user to keep their spells active indefinitely until the user chooses to dispel them, no matter how strong they are or how much power they would normally require to function continuously. Merlin using Enchant Infinity
Interrogator尋問者インテロゲーターInterogētā Anghalhad Search


Allows the user to tell whether someone is lying and see through illusions. After transforming itself, the power allows to inflict immobilizing pressure on those who lie. Anghalhad PowerAnne's Interrogator
Invasion侵入インベイションInbeishon Gowther (Demon)
Allows the user to search through and manipulate a person's thoughts and memories. Gowther using Search Light
Invincible無敵インビンシブルInbinshiburu Balin Enchantment Allows the user to be imprevious to any attack, being able to withstand devastating magical and physical attacks without a scratch. Howzer piercing Balin
Jamming妨害ジャミングJamingu Ioradio Velviger Stealth Allows the user to nullify all sorts of magical detection within a certain area. Jamming (Anime)
Judgement審判ジャッジメントJajjimento Denzel Liones Mental Allows the user to manifest their opponent's guilt of killing people as a means to "judge" the opponent. Denzel using Dead Man Revenge
Kaleidoscope未来視カレイドスコープKareidosukōpu; lit. "Visions of the Future"」 Guinevere Oracle Allows the user to see their own future in their dreams with perfect accuracy, being able to see and hear everything that will happen to them and those around them up until the end of their life. Kaleidoscope (Anime)
Link同調リンクRinku; lit. "Tuning"」 Helbram Enchantment Allows the user to form a magical link with anyone who has allied themselves with the user and allows the user to access their powers and abilities. Helbram Link
Location探知ロケーションRokēshon; lit. "Detection"」 Merlin
Unnamed Holy Knight
Search Allows the user to track a person wherever they go, regardless if their appearance is known or not. Location Power
Love Bomb熱愛ラブボムRabu Bomu; lit. "Passionate Love"」 Isolde Destruction Allows the user to release magic constructs from their attacks that act like explosives. Isolde Love Bomb
Love Drive衝動ラブドライブRabu Doraibu; lit. "Impulse"」 Deldry Mental Allows the user to make a person fall in love with them to the point of absolute loyalty. Deldry Love Drive
Melody旋律メロディMerodi Deathpierce Shifting Allows the user to manipulate the activation time of other people's Magic. Melody delayed Fraudrin's attack
Mimicry擬態ミミクリィMimikurii Rosebank Stealth Allows the user to camouflage with their surroundings. Mimicry
Miracle Wind神風ミラクルウィンドMirakuru Windo; lit. "Divine Wind"」 Elaine Destruction Allows the user to manipulate wind. Elaine blowing Ban away
Mirage残像ミラージュMirāju; lit. "Afterimage"」 Burgie Deception Allows the user to create illusory clones of themselves. Burgie Mirage
Mix Venom調毒ミクスベノムMikusu Benomu; lit. "Poisoning"」 Nasiens Shifting[17]
Allows the user to consume poison and create new poisons based on what was consumed. Mix Venom
Mute沈黙ミュートMyūto; lit. "Silence"」 Dale[19] Unknown
Monochrome白黒モノクロームMonokurōmu; lit. "Black and White"」 Jade Stealth Allows the user to increase or decrease the amount of light on a nearby space. Jade Darkness
Ominous Nebula凶星雲オミノス・ネビュラOminosu Nebyura; lit. "Malevolent Nebula"」 Zeldris Destruction Allows the user to create a powerful vortex that pulls others towards them with an immense power of attraction, as well as rendering all physical attacks useless. Ominous Nebula
Overpower威圧オーバーパワーŌbāpawā; lit. "Coercion"」 Slader Mental Allows the user to exert a malicious aura to intimidate their enemies. Slader Owerpower
Perverseness天邪鬼パヴァースネスPavāsunesu; lit. "Contrarian"」 Pelliot Mental Makes the target's body move in the opposite manner to their will. Pelliot Perverseness
Petrification石化ペトリフィケーションPetorifikēshon Livet Shifting Allows the user to turn living beings to stone trought physical contact. Petrification
Predator捕食者プレデターPuredetā Unnamed Holy Knight Search
Allows the user to breathe temporary life into objects to transform them into "wild beasts" that hunt down the opponent. Predator
Punishment天罰パニッシュメントPanisshumento; lit. "Divine Punishment"」 Chandler Unknown
PyreほむらHomura Pellegarde Destruction Allows the user to create and control fireballs. Pyre
Resonant共鳴レゾナント「Rezonanto」 Cusack Mental Allows the user to link themselves with and control someone through eye contact.[20] Resonant
Reverse逆再生リバースRibāsu; lit. "Reverse Playback"」 Ardbeg Shifting Allows the user to send all living beings within five yards of them back to their infancy, with a year being reversed for every minute.[21] Reverse Anime
Seal封印シールShīru Jenna Unknown
Serenity静寂セレニティSereniti Macduff Stealth Allows the user to completely eliminate all sound within a certain distance from themself. Serenity
Snatch強奪スナッチSunacchi; lit. "Robbery"」 Ban Stealth


Allows the user to steal away physical objects, raw strength and abilities from the opponents, and add them to the user's own. Ban taking Red Demon's heart
Snipe狙撃スナイプSunaipu; lit. "Sniper"」 Brackla Enchantment Allows the user's shots to always hit the target. Snipe
Spark火花スパークSupāku Katz Destruction Allows the user to generate fire in small proportions. Spark
Strength強化ストレングスSutorengusu; lit. "Reinforcement"」 Varghese Unknown
Suck吸収サックSakku; lit. "Absorption"」 Vivian Unknown
Summon Creature生物召喚サモンクリーチャーSamon Kurīchā; lit. "Creature Summoning"」 Teaninich Mental Allows the user to take control of all small creatures witin range. Teaninich using Summon Creature
Summon Elemental精霊召喚サモン・エレメンタルSamon Erementaru; lit. "Spirit Summoning"」 Chion
Mental Allows the user to summon and control Spirits. Chion summoning Sylph and Gnom
Summon Sin獣召喚サモン・シンSamon Shin; lit. "Beast Summoning"」 Tioreh Shifting
Allows the user to summon and control beasts that represent the Seven Deadly Sins' tattoos. Tioreh using Summon Sin (Video Game)
Telekinesis念動テレキネシスTerekineshisu Donny Enchantment Allows the user to move people and objects through thought, and without the slightest physical contact. Telekinesis
Tempest暴風テンペストTenpesuto; lit. "Storm"」 Howzer Destruction Allows the user to generate and manipulate wind cyclones. Howzer defeating Taizoo
The Ruler支配者ザ・ルーラーZa Rūrā Demon King Enchantment


Allows the user to invert the effects of all magical powers and techniques used against them. Demon King using The Ruler
Thunder Ray天雷サンダー・レイSandā Rei; lit. "Heaven Thunder"」 Zaneri Destruction Allows the user to manipulate lightning. Thunder Ray
Thunderbolt雷帝サンダーボルトSandāboruto; lit. "Thunder Emperor"」 Gilthunder Destruction Allows the user to generate and manipulate lightning. Thunderbolt
TransparencyとうめいTōmei-ka Golgius Stealth Allows the user to become invisible, but still remains detectable through other means such as noise and odor. Golgius appearing next to Dana and Elizabeth
Transpork変身トランスポークToransupōku; lit. " Transformation "」 Hawk Shifting Allows the user to take on the characteristics of any magical creature they consume, for as long as it's still in their system. Transpork anime
Trick Star遊撃星トリックスターTorikku Sutā; lit. "Raid Star"」 Monspeet Stealth Allows the user to make two objects of similar size switch places with each other. Trick Star
Vain無駄ベインBein; lit. "Useless"」 Arden Enchantment Allows the user to increase the amount of Magic an opponent needs to utilize their abilities. Vain
Venom Waltz毒円舞ベノム・ワルツBenomu Warutsu; lit. "Poison Dance"」 Melagaland Mental Allows the user to generate a slow-acting neurotoxin which gradually reduce the opponent's sense of direction, accuracy and evasion. Melagaland Venom Waltz
Vision千里眼ビジョンBijon; lit. "Clairvoyance"」 Bartra Liones Oracle Allows the user to see a vague glimpse of the future at random, with them having no control of these visions or when they will happen. Baltra foreseing the coming of the Ten Commandments
Wall障壁ウォールWōru; lit. "Barrier"」 Griamore Shifting Allows the user to erect extremely strong barriers. Griamore using his ability Wall
Weakness弱体化ウィークネスUīkunesu; lit. "Weakening"」 Miltonduff Enchantment Allows the user to lower the opponent's Power Level.
Wither劣化ウイザーUizā; lit. "Deterioration"」 Elgin Shifting Allows the user to generate a magical substance that reduces the strength and durability of whatever it is applied to. Elgin Wither

Unnamed Magical Powers[]

User "Nickname" Type Description Image
Elizabeth "Empathy" Mental A mysterious ability that allows her to persuade others to retreat from violence by speaking to their hearts and souls. Elizabeth talking with Derieri
Friesia "Hive Mind" Destruction
A power that manipulates insects and uses their poisons. Friesia using Rain Capriccio
Gelda "Burning Ashes" Destruction A power that produce heat and ash. Gelda using Kaijinso
Jericho "Godspeed" Enchantment During her time as a Reactor-class Holy Knight, Jericho possessed a slashing technique referred to as Godspeed. It was lost with the removal of her demon blood. Jericho using Godspeed Cross Slash
Jillian "Bind" Shifting
Jillian possesses the power to constrict her enemies with a wire-like trap ability, rendering them immobile for the time being. Jillian catching King
Marmas "Gravity" Enchantment A power that allows the user to increase gravity on their opponents at specific increments with maracas-like maces. Marmas using Hyper Gravity X30 on Hendrickson
Ruin "Hallucination" Deception A power that hypnotizes and deludes others into believing that their comrades and allies are the users, which results in them battling each other. Diane and Meliodas fighting under illusion 1
Twigo "Strike" Destruction A power that allows Twigo to release powerful blasts by slashing.[22] Twigo doing vertical slash
Weinheidt "Sniper" Destruction
Weinheidt possesses the power to create a realistic illusion of himself to deceive enemies, as well as the ability to charge his arrows to shoot with more power to deal maximum damage. Ban attacking Weinheidts illusionWeinheidt shooting his charged arrow

Named Techniques[]

Name Type Description Image
Hunter Wisp狩玉ハンターウィスプHantā Uisupu; lit. "Hunt Sphere"」 Destruction
A power that summons three small light orbs and fires them at the target. These orbs relentlessly hunt the target down and explode on impact. Helbram using Hunter Wisp
Aura Burst「オーラ・バースト, Ōra Bāsuto Destruction A power that allows the user to perform powerful energy wave slashes with dual swords at the target. Knight using Aura Burst
Bullet Squall弾雨バレットスコールBaretto Sukōru; lit. "Bullet Hail"」 Destruction A power that launches a torrential rain of bullets to deal area-of-effect damage. Knight using Bullet Squall
Death Breath死神の息吹デスブレスDesu Buresu; lit. "Breath of the Grim Reaper"」 Destruction A power that summons carnivorous ghosts which devours their enemies. Knight using Death Breath
Flick Stone「フリックストーン, Furikku Sutōn Destruction A power that sends forth a massive avalanche of rocks towards targets. Knight using Flick Stone
Goen no Jujin豪炎ごうえん呪陣じゅじんGōen no Jujin; lit. "Inferno Incantation" Destruction A power that produces and fires flames from the user's hands. Similar to Blaze. Knights using Inferno Incantation
Dontsu no Kiri鈍痛どんつうきりDontsū no Kiri; lit. "Mist of Dull Agony" Destruction A power capable of killing foes by enveloping them with a white mist. Similar to Death. Mist of Dull Agony
Plant Whip暗緑鞭プラントウィップPuranto Uippu; lit. "Dark Green Whip"」 Destruction A power that summons a large plant which whips enemies with its numerous vines. Knight using Plant Whips
Wind Shooter「ウインドシューター, Uindo Shūtā Destruction A power that sends a succession of sharp winds towards a target. Knight using Wind Shooter

Race Based[]

Name Possessor Type Description Image
Ark聖櫃アークĀku; lit. "Holy Chest"」 Goddess Clan
Celestial Clan
An ability of the Goddess Clan that allows them to manipulate holy light, usually as a means to destroy Demons and neutralize their darkness. Nerobasta using Ark
Creation創造クリエイションKurieishon Giant Clan Shifting An ability of the Giant Clan that allows them to manipulate the earth around them in any way they can. Diane rising pillars to crush Friesia's insects
Purgatory FireれんごくほのおRengoku no Honō Demon Clan Destruction
An ability of the Demon Clan that allows them to generate an unholy flame more powerful than natural fire and can be utilized through Hellblaze. Red Demon breathing fire
Purge浄化パージPāji; lit. "Purify"」 Goddess Clan
An ability of the Goddess Clan taught to the Driuds that allows the user to erase abominable souls, such as Demons and Vampires, by touching their foreheads.[23] Hendrickson using Purge


Name Possessor Type Description Image
FlashせんこうSenkō Ludociel Stealth
Allows the user to move at amazing speeds, to the point where it seems like teleportation. Ludociel Flash
OceanたいかいTaikai Tarmiel Destruction
Allows the user to make powerful currents of water, turn their body into water so attacks pass through them harmlessly, or even create an entire ocean in a different plane of existence. Tarmiel Ocean
SunshineたいようTaiyō; lit. "Sun"」 Mael
Allows the user to create and manipulate a minimized sun. Also makes the user become stronger as the sun rises and weaker as it sets, becoming invincible for one minute a day at noon. Mael SunshineEscanor the Sun
TornadoたつまきTatsumaki Sariel Destruction
Allows the user to create powerful winds that can slice apart anything they touch and protect themselves in a wind sphere. Sariel Tornado


Name Possessor Type Description Image
FaithしんこうShinkō Melascula
Destruction Anyone who shows faithlessness before the owner will have their eyes set ablaze. People's eyes burned by the Faith Commandment
LoveあいJiai; lit. "Charity"」 Meliodas
Enchantment Anyone who bears any hatred before the owner will be unable to inflict harm on anyone. Love Commandment
PacifismさつFusatsu; lit. "Non-Killing"」 Grayroad
Anyone who kills before the owner will have their remaining lifespan stolen away. Dogedo killed by the Pacifism Commandment
PatienceにんたいNintai Zeno
Enchantment Anyone who shows intolerence for pain before the owner will be inflicted with great agony.
PietyけいしんKeishin Calmadios
Mental Anyone who shows their back to the owner will have their mind enslaved to them and by extension, the Demon King. Zeldris Piety Commandment
PurityじゅんけつJunketsu Derieri
Enchantment Anyone who commits impure acts before the owner will be inflicted by illness.
ReposeあんそくAnsoku Aranak
Enchantment Anyone who fights without rest before the owner will have their magic sealed.
ReticenceちんもくChinmoku; lit. "Silence"」 Monspeet
Enchantment Anyone who expresses hidden emotions before the owner will have their voice blocked.
SelflessnessよくMuyoku; lit. "Unselfishness"」 Gowther (Demon)
Mental Anyone who holds desire from another person before the owner will lose their emotions and sense of self.
TruthしんじつShinjitsu Galand
Shifting Anyone who lies or goes against their word before the owner will be turned to stone. Merlin Petrified


Some abilities, unlike real Magical Powers, generally function as characteristics unique to certain types of individuals. Unlike Powers, they do not disappear when their user dies.

Name Possessor Type Description Image
Immortality Ban (Formerly) Healing Grants the user immortality, bestowing them with unrivaled regenerative abilities. Ban healing from King's drilling hole
Levitation Fairy Clan
Enchantment An ability that grants objects and users to float at will. Floating King
Transformation Demon Clan
Fairy Clan
Shifting An ability that allows a user to alter their physical appearance and apparels. King's Human Transformation
Heart Reading Fairy Clan Search A common ability among fairies that allows them to read people's thoughts and feelings from their hearts. Heart Reading
Rapid Movement Goddess Clan
Demon Clan
Fairy Clan
Holy Knights
Enchantment A common ability that allows users to move in great speed at a blink of an eye in battle as if by teleporting. Meliodas dodging Gilthunder attacks
Magic Detection Goddess Clan
Demon Clan
Fairy Clan
Giant Clan
Holy Knights
Search A common ability that allows users to perceive any source of magic whether in objects or people. Magic-Sense
Possession Goddess Clan
Demon Clan
Life Spirit
Mental Allows the users to transfer its soul into the body of another individual and take control of it for an indefinite period. Nerobasta possessing Denzel
Power of Darkness Demon Clan Destruction
A characteristic ability of the Demon Clan that allows them to control mysterious black matter. Meliodas-demon-meliodas




  1. Chapter 83 , Page 9-10
  2. Chapter 66 , Page 28
  3. Chapter 83 , Page 9-10
  4. Chapter 69 , Page 6
  5. Chapter 14 , Page 9
  6. Chapter 46 , Page 9
  7. Chapter 90 , Page 5
  8. Chapter 109 (4KOA) , Page 12
  9. Chapter 4 (4KOA) , Page 6, 16, 18-19
  10. Volume 3, Extra Pages
  11. Volume 3, Extra Pages
  12. Volume 3, Extra Pages
  13. Volume 3, Extra Pages
  14. Volume 3, Extra Pages
  15. Volume 3, Extra Pages
  16. Volume 3, Extra Pages
  17. Chapter 160 (4KOA) , Page 11
  18. Chapter 160 (4KOA) , Page 11
  19. Nanatsu no Taizai Manga: Volume 15
  20. Chapter 256 , Page 18-19
  21. Chapter 38 (4KOA) , Page 3
  22. Chapter 1 , Page 50-51
  23. Chapter 123 , Page 16
  24. Side Story 4, Q&A Corner