Nanatsu no Taizai Official Fanbook: Sinful Testament「七つの大罪 公式ファンブック 罪約聖書, Nanatsu no Taizai Kōshiki Fanbukku Shin'yaku Seisho」, is the second fanbook of the manga, Nanatsu no Taizai.
- Character profiles
- Vampires of Edinburgh
Q: How long do you need to draw a page?
A: The draft takes 30 minutes. For the real deal it depends on the page but generally about 1-2 hours
Q: Can King transform into anything else than the old man form?
A: He can, but he won’t
Q: What kind of female character is your type?
A: Appearance-wise Merlin, personality-wise Elizabeth
Q: How many magic tools does Merlin have?
A: About 300 different ones
Q: Can anyone use the incantation balls?
A: Merlin made them to be like that, yes
Q: Do fairies take baths?
A: They play in the water at least
Q: When did Elizabeth start hiding her right eye?
A: When she was little. When she started realizing that it was different from other people’s
Q: When will Elizabeth stop calling every sin Lord/Lady?
A: Well, that’s more of a personality problem…
Q: What do the different clans see as an old man? (from what age?)
A: That depends from person to person I think
Q: Tell me what to do against stiff shoulders!
A: I don’t have stiff shoulders often so I don’t know
Q: Is King the silent type when he’s not with Diane too
A: Well, yeah
Q: Why does Diane hate Ban?
A: Because he’s gaudy (at least that’s how she views him)
Q: With which sin would you go drinking?
A: With King or Diane, the other ones would be scary, lol
Q: Did Merlin and Arthur ever bath together
A: Definitely not, lol
Q: Why did you get interested in the Arthurian Legends?
A: Because there’s a lot of different interpretations by lots of different writers
Q: Who is the biggest crybaby out of the male characters?
A: King
Q: Where do fairies sleep?
A: Everywhere. Except in beds
Q: Do giants make kids because of marriage or out of love?
A: Except for Diane and the recent Matrona giants mostly mate out of a breeding instinct
Q: Is it very special that Diane as a giant loves a fairy like King?
A: That’s actually very rare!
Q: What is Ban’s psychological age?
A: His mind is stuck in his 20ies
Q: Tell me how to get nice abs like Ban
A: Working out stoically is the only way to get there
Q: Can every giant create golems?
A: They can! (though how good they are made depends on the person)
Q: What movie did you like as a kid?
A: “The Goonies”. I still like it a lot even now!
Q: Did Merlin have a master too?
A: When she was young she learned the basics from someone but soon surpassed that master easily
Q: How many apprentices did Merlin have?
A: Over the years she had a lot of apprentices
Q: Can King and Elaine talk with every animal?
A: Yes. Except for Hawk Mama
Q: Why does Gowther wear glasses?
A: Because he’s super near-sighted
Q: What did you say when you proposed?
A: “Please help me applying the tones for the rest of my life!!”… That was a joke
Q: If it’s raining or cloudy does Escanor’s power get cut in half?
A: He can’t use 100% at least. Probably.
Q: Why doesn’t Elizabeth remember the Sins?
A: Because of an accident that happened when she was young she doesn’t remember much of that time
- It was released on the same day along with Volume 22.