Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki
Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki

The Beastmen are one of the minor races in the world of Nanatsu no Taizai.


Beastmen are often persecuted by humans because they are seen as monsters and are blamed for unusual happenings. Most Beastmen have been chased out of their homes and lands and have resorted to stealing for food to survive. When a beastmen child was sighted in the mountains, the knights of Ravens instantly mounted an expedition to "hunt" him.


  • Werefox狐男ウェアフォックスWeafokkusu; literally "Fox Man"」: A humanoid body with the head, fur, and claws of a fox. They are more intelligent but physically weaker and fewer in number than other types of Beastmen. They are able to turn themselves into humans. [1]
  • Werewolf人狼族ウェアウルフWeaurufu」: A humanoid body with the head, fur, and claws of a wolf. Grand Cross mobile game original Beastmen. It was briefly mentioned in the manga.
  • Werebear人くま」: A humanoid body with the head, fur, and claws of a bear. Grand Cross mobile game original Beastmen.
  • Guardian Deity「守護神, Shugoshin」: A special form which Camila can tap into, it has an humanoid body, with head of a goat, the fur of a lion and sharped claws. Grand Cross mobile game original Beastmen.

Powers and Abilities[]

They appear to be a strong race, with sharp instincts and great speed, being able to avoid most attacks. They also seem to have the ability to take human form and switch back to their original form any time they like, however this may be an ability unique to Werefoxes as they are the only species of Beastman seen in the series and foxes in Japanese myth are famous for their ability to transform themselves into other creatures.

However, likely due to their animal like nature, Beastmen seemingly have much shorter lifespans when compared to humans. Despite only being 65, an age many humans live well past, and having been a fairly strong Beastman, Zhivago still died of old age, however it is unknown if this is true for all Beastman or if it varies based on the type of Beastman, as only Werefoxes have been seen in the show and thus no conclusion can be accurately made with such a small sample size. Beastmen from Other Dimensions seems to have much longer lifespans as, per example, Camila has lived for 5,000 years.


Selion Zhivago
Video Game exclusive
Camila Fenrir


  • In the manga, Meliodas and Liz went on a mission with the Danafor Holy Knights to hunt down a werewolf in the past. However, the creature itself doesn't appear at all.[2]
  • In Grand Cross, the Beastmen race also exist in other worlds, where they worship a guardian deity named Camila.



  1. Chapter 139 , Page 15-16
  2. Chapter 131 , Page 2