Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki
Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki

Telekinesis念動テレキネシスTerekineshisu」 is a power possessed by Donny.


Telekinesis enables the user to levitate people and objects into the air and move them around through thought, simple hand gestures, and without the slightest physical contact.

Initially, Donny used it as a form of Levitation to make people or objects float, just by putting his hands together. However, after receiving Sin's guidance, Donny realizes that his power could actually move people and objects freely, regardless of even their size, as this power allowed him to throw away a big person like Doronach like a stone.[1]

Being at first limited by his understanding and image of his own magic, Donny only channeled this magic through his dagger so that his target would float. However, by opening his imagination he became able to use it with his bare hands, expanding his control over it.

Despite the freeness of this powers ability to move things, the user does have limits to how heavy of an object they can levitate, and how far away their power reaches, as Donny was at first limited to a 25-feet radius. Additionally, he is unable to move things that are not in his range of vision. However with proper time and training, the user can even move large landscapes, as Donny was tasked with moving a large tower in the Demon Realm from 250 feet away into the air as part of his training.

Two years after Percival's sacrifice, Donny is now able to detach and raise an entire platoon of earth with one hand to move it into the air.[2]


  • Ground Strike「グラウンド・ストライク, Guraundo Sutoraiku」: Donny brings two huge rocks out of the ground to throw them against the opponent.[3]
  • Nine Smash「ナイン・スマッシュ, Nain Sumasshu」: Donny manipulates up to nine airborne opponents into crashing into each other.[4]
  • Break Throw「ブレイク・スロー, Bureiku Surō」: Donny compresses a group of enemies with each other and throws them as a large ball.[5]
  • Blast Rush「ブラスト・ラッシュ, Burasuto Rasshu」: Donny lifts a lot of stones and pebbles from the ground and throws them at the opponent like bullets.[6]




