Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki
Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh「七つの大罪 怨嗟のエジンバラ, Nanatsu no Taizai: Ensa no Ejinbara」 is a two-parter movie based on the manga and anime series Nanatsu no Taizai, featuring Meliodas' son, Tristan as the main character. Netflix streamed the first part on December 20, 2022 and the second part on August 8, 2023.


"Split into two parts, the story will follow Tristan, the son of The Seven Deadly Sins protagonists Meliodas and Elizabeth. Tristan inherits the power of the Goddess Clan and can heal people's wounds and injuries, but he often ends up hurting others due to his inability to control his Demon Clan power. To protect his family, Tristan heads to Edinburgh Castle and meets a host of new friends along the way."


Part 1[]

Several years after their marriage and coronation, Meliodas and Elizabeth reign peacefully over the Kingdom of Liones with their son, Tristan, who has inherited the respective abilities of both his parents. However, when he was 10 years old and training for combat with Lancelot, the son of Ban and Elaine, Tristan was briefly overwhelmed by the demonic powers inherited from his father and seriously injured Tristan, who he has never seen again since. Ashamed of having hurt someone close to him and anxious that it might happen again, Tristan decided to use his abilities only for non-violent purposes, even if it meant giving up his dream of becoming a Holy Knight, which continues to affect his relationship with his parents a few years later.

Back in the present time, Elizabeth is made seriously ill by a curse whose source turns out to be "Priest" of Deathpierce who now reigns alone over the Kingdom of Edinburgh just after having rebuilt it, and who still seeks revenge on all the non-Humans of Britannia for the only crimes of Derieri and Ludociel. While Meliodas stays at Elizabeth's bedside with Hendrickson, whose magical and medical knowledge remains insufficient, Tristan decides to leave to neutralize the source of the evil from which his mother suffers. Gowther, meanwhile, sends a message to King, Diane and Ban, to warn them to gather in Liones immediately. Meanwhile, Deathpierce continues to use his Chaos Staff given to him by Arthur to swell the ranks of his army of "Empties" and capture more and more Demons, Fairies and Giants, to transform them into "Knight" and "Mage".

On his way to Edinburgh, Tristan saves Minika, Tyrone and Kulumil from a battalion of "Empties", and is helped by a fairy archer whose appearance does not seem completely foreign to him, and vice versa. Despite their mutual hostility, Tristan and the archer agree to join forces to save Gandf and Recela from the "Empties" who had captured them. However, during the fight against "Knight" and "Mage", Tristan nearly gets killed while trying to contain his demonic urges, the fairy archer is forced to take on his true appearance to save him and turns out to be Lancelot.

Part 2[]

Still shocked to see Lancelot again after 4 years of disappearance, Tristan wants to apologize to him for accidentally injuring him, but in reality, Lancelot mostly blames Tristan for not wanting to "continue the fight". They are quickly cut off by a new wave of "Empties" who threaten to attack them, but manage to get around them all by crossing an ice bridge generated by a mysterious Knight with a starry visor. After finally arriving at Maiden's Castle, Tristan and Lancelot finally face Deathpierce and "Priest", while Meliodas, Ban and Gowther, arrive in turn in Edinburgh to eliminate all the "Empties". At the same time, King tries to heal Elizabeth with a sip of the Drug of Yore from the Fairy Realm, but it is Tristan's final victory over "Priest" that ends up saving her completely, which makes her decide to go and join him with King and Diane.

Shocked to see his entire army of "Empties" completely decimated by only three of the Seven Deadly Sins, Deathpierce attempts to escape to another dimension, but is caught by Tristan and Lancelot. They want to encourage Deathpierce to give up his vengeance, but he still refuses to give up his hatred for non-humans and is transformed into a monster by his Chaos Staff. Faced with the overwhelming force displayed by the monstrous Deathpierce, Lancelot tries to encourage Tristan to no longer "hold back his blows", and Tristan finally agrees to unleash his demonic instincts, believing that Lancelot might be strong enough to help him regain control. Death-Pierce is now defeated and after fighting Tristan to help him regain his composure, Lancelot destroys the Chaos Staff, which brings all three of them back to Maiden's Castle.

As soon as he wakes up, Tristan is greeted by the Deadly Sins and his mother, then apologizes to his parents for appearing to have disappointed their hopes of him becoming a Holy Knight. Before they all return to Liones, Ban sees Lancelot leave without taking the time to speak to him, followed from afar by the Knight with the starry visor who reveals himself to be Jericho.


Character Seiyū English Voice
Tristan Liones Ayumu Murase Jeannie Tirado
Deathpierce Yōhei Azakami Ben Lepley
Fairy Kōki Uchiyama Aleks Le
Priest Kazuyuki Okitsu Stephen Fu
Tyrone Shinnosuke Tokudome Casey Mongillo
Kulumil Shino Shimoji LilyPichu
Minika Makoto Koichi Ryan Bartley
Meliodas Yuki Kaji Bryce Papenbrook
Elizabeth Liones Sora Amamiya Erika Harlacher
Ban Tatsuhisa Suzuki Ben Diskin
Diane Aoi Yūki Erica Mendez
King Jun Fukuyama Max Mittelman
Gowther Yūhei Takagi Erik Scott Kimerer
Hendrickson Yūya Uchida Kaiji Tang
Elaine Kotori Koiwai Brianna Knickerbocker
Gandf Satoshi Tsuruoka Imari Williams
Recela Yuna Mimura Dani Chambers
Denzel Liones Rintarō Nishi Michael McConnohie
Nerobasta Mamiko Noto Julia McIlvaine
Mage Arisa Sakuraba Wendee Lee


  • Part 1 Theme Song: LEMONADE by SawanoHiroyuki [nZk]: XAI
  • Part 2 Theme Song: odd:I by SawanoHiroyuki [nZk]: Akihito Okano



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