Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki
Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki

Tornado竜巻たつまきTatsumaki」 is one of the four Graces granted to Sariel by the Supreme Deity.


Tornado allows Sariel to generate and manipulate Wind in the form of powerful whirlwinds, but with much more magical energy than Howzer's Tempest or Elaine's Miracle Wind. As such, Sariel can produce powerful gusts of wind capable of slicing or blowing away anything [1], and even surround himself with a near-impenetrable spherical barrier that shreds anything that touches it on a molecular scale, thus ensuring his near-perfect protection. Even Derrierie seems unable to regenerate her shredded left arm despite her Demon Clan healing factor, after managing to gouge out Sariel's right eye.


  • Tsunzaku Kamakazeつんざ鎌風かまかぜTsunzaku Kamakaze; lit. "Slicing Sickle Wind"」: Sariel generates a large, crescent-shaped wind blade that slices the opponent in half.[2]
  • Twin Wind Blade竜巻円盤ツイン・ウィンド・ブレイドTsuin Uindo Bureido (Tatsumaki Enban); lit. "Tornado Disk"」: Sariel generates two wind disks in the shape of a swirling star, then throws them at the opponent to explode them.[3]

Combined Techniques[]

  • Enlil no Tenbatsu「エンリルの天罰てんぼつEnriru no Tenbatsu; lit. "Enlil's Divine Punishment"」: Sariel and Tarmiel combine their Graces to overwhelm the opponent before bombarding them with a gigantic lightning bolt.[4]



