Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki
Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki

Zeno「ゼノ」 was a former member of the Ten Commandments, who fought in the great war against the other four races 3,000 years ago.


Zeno was a small creature bearing a strong resemblance to a rag-doll. He had white skin and a large oval shaped head with round eyes and a wide mouth. He had relatively long, thick arms with long black claws and stubby segmented legs.


His personality is mostly unknown, but given that he wielded the Commandment of Patience, he was likely a calm and patient individual who had a high tolerance for pain, lest he fall victim to his own Commandment. He was likely cruel and ruthless towards his enemies which is shown when Derieri says that she heard that Aranak and Zeno were going to execute the Goddess prisoners of war before Meliodas betrayed and killed them.


3,000 years ago

Former Ten Commandments

Zeno standing in the back

Three thousand years ago, the Ten Commandments fought for their race against the other four races in the great, ancient Holy War. The Ten Commandments at that time were led by Meliodas until he ended up betraying them, killing two of its members, Aranak and Zeno, in the process that would later be replaced by Drole and Gloxinia.

Abilities and Equipment


As one of the demons chosen to be a member of the Ten Commandments,he was one of the strongest combatants among the Demon race.

He seemed to possess the ability to levitate.


Zeno's Commandment was PatienceにんたいNintai」, which made it so that anyone who shows intolerance of pain in his presence would be inflicted with worse pain.[2]




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Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins Sins: Ban  •  Diane  •  Escanor  •  Gowther  •  King  •  Meliodas  •  Merlin
Boar Hat's Team
Boar Hat's Team: Elizabeth Liones  •  Hawk  •  Hawk Mama
Four Knights of the Apocalypse
Four Knights of the Apocalypse: Gawain  •  Lancelot  •  Percival  •  Tristan
Percival Platoon
Percival Platoon: Anghalhad  •  Donny  •  Nasiens
Tristan Platoon
Tristan Platoon: Chion  •  Isolde  •  Jade
Kingdom of Liones
Royal Family: Bartra Liones  •  Caroline Liones  •  Denzel Liones  •  Elizabeth Liones  •  Margaret Liones  •  Nadja Liones  •  Tristan Liones  •  Veronica Liones
Great Holy Knights: Dreyfus  •  Hendrickson  •  Howzer  •  Zaratras
Holy Knights: Dale  •  Gannon  •  Gilthunder  •  Griamore  •  Guila  •  Gustaf  •  Jericho  •  Kaide  •  Marmas  •  Vivian
Dawn Roar: Hugo  •  Jillian  •  Simon  •  Slader  •  Weinheidt
Pleiades of the Azure Sky: Arden  •  Deathpierce  •  Deldry  •  Denzel Liones  •  Dogedo  •  Invisible  •  Waillo
Weird Fangs: Friesia  •  Golgius  •  Jude  •  Ruin
Apprentice Knights: Andre  •  Hansen  •  Muramo  •  Parada  •  Twigo
Kingdom of Camelot
Ruler: Arthur Pendragon
Allies: Cath  •  Kay  •  Merlin
Holy Knights: Alltabhainne  •  Ardbeg  •  Brackla  •  Glenesk  •  Jericho  •  Livet  •  Lochranza  •  Macduff  •  Miltonduff  •  Mortlach  •  Nanashi  •  Rosebank  •  Talisker  •  Teaninich
Four Evils: Beltreipe  •  Ironside  •  Pellegarde  •  Worreldane
Dark Talismans: Burgie  •  Fiddich  •  Elgin  •  Doronach  •  Tamdhu
Citizens: Diodora
Demon Clan
Ruler: Demon King
Ten Commandments: Aranak  •  Calmadios  •  Derieri  •  Estarossa  •  Fraudrin  •  Galand  •  Gowther  •  Grayroad  •  Melascula  •  Monspeet  •  Zeldris  •  Zeno
Six Knights of Darkness: Asyl  •  Bianchi  •  Dim  •  Gallow  •  Nora  •  Schwarz
Goddess Clan
Ruler: Supreme Deity